My hiding place

This blog has been my hiding place. Where those who really know me, or want to find me, see me. I don’t even know who my readers are. I guess mostly myself. but yeah, isn’t it myself I write for?

I feel really sorry for myself right now. It’s been drained, stressed out and stretched out so much. I want to be nurtured, to be cared for. To be loved.

Shouldn’t I love myself first? seems like these days everyone else’s needs come before mine. Seems like these days all my smallest wishes and requests are ignored. Seems like noone actually listens anymore, or noone, at least at this hour, i can write to, except for this hiding corner.

I am exhausted, stressed and stretched out by my own thoughts. By my own disappointment.

But who cares?

Isn’t it just myself I write for in the end?

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