
toi nay ngoi thay nho AIESEC qua. Note nay se nhu la ngoi viet ra ki niem

Dot NPM vua roi, thay chot nho lai cai thoi gian nay nam ngoai. Hao huc, hung huc khi the hop hanh, ban bac, “draw future”. La lam buoc vao MCH, di cung ban be an uong, enjoy Sai Gon. Nho conference trut het bao passion, quen duoc bao nhieu ban moi. Rat vui. Niem tin vao Exchange to lon khung khiep. Roi thi ho het, party, de den cuoi conference thi khan het ca giong.

Lai nho hoi Orientation cua minh. Lo ngo chua biet gi, bi ngay a Dau voi a Kha ngoi an trua cung, tam du thu chuyen. Thay vua la., vua vui, lai vua co cai gi day rat tu nhien quen thuoc. Ve sau la teammate cua nhau, lam viec an y, thay cam giac tin vao cai goi la “all things planned”.

Nho nhung buoi coaching voi me Duong. Buon oi la buon khi nhin vao nhung con so bi highlight mau do. Cu tran tro mai, phai lam gi day?. Nho buoi meeting cua ER,PBox, ICX,LCP ve “change”. Nho luc bieu quyet y kien. Nho cai cam giac vua hao huc vua lo so. Cam giac cai gi do to lon lam dang dien ra. Cam giac rat dac biet ma khong phai ai cung co duoc. Cam giac ma se mang minh di xa, rat xa, vuot ra tat ca nhung rao can.

Nho hom transition EB, nghi giai lao duoc anh Giang xem boi, boi’ ra minh hop voi nghe thuat. Thay chut nuoi tiec, khong biet minh ma lam nghe thuat thi bay gio se nhu the nao nhi? Cuoc doi thuc su la ket qua cua nhung su lua chon. Het cai nay den cai kia. Va bayh dua minh den thoi diem nay roi. O vi tri nay. Cuoc song nay. Lieu neu chi mot trong nhung dieu da xay ra voi minh khac di, thi se the nao nhi? Would love to see the alternatives :)

Nho hom Award Night, ai cung xinh, cung long lay. Nho nhung hom LCM, nhung hom bonding, event tung bung.

Nho ICX. Nho cai ten than thuong day. Nho tung member mot. Nho moi thu. Cu nham mat la co the nho lai quang thoi gian ay, quang thoi gian minh don het tam suc cho mot dieu minh that su thuong yeu. Cham chut tung chut mot mong no mau lon. Bayh gio lai nhung google spreadsheets cu~, chi con lai data, record ngan gon, nhung cung nhu xay lai duoc buc tranh cua nhung cai ngay ay, ca team nhu thanh mot, hieu cho nhau, cham soc nhau, co gang vi mot muc tieu duy nhat –  Exchange. Nho cai cam giac mung ro den the nao khi ma members cua minh mang den het ngac nhien nay den ngac nhien khac. Chinh ho la nhung nguoi da mang cho minh niem tin rang moi thu de co the, chi can quyet tam, don het tam suc vao no. Ho mang cho minh niem tin rang chi can ta o ben nhau, tat ca kho khan se deu tan bien.

Thuc su minh da noi cam on AIESEC rat nhieu, da noi nho AIESEC rat nhieu. Biet bao nhieu notes, entries tren fb viet ve AIESEC, ve ICX, ve nhung dieu dep de ma no da mang lai cho minh. Chi cam giac la than thuong. Cam giac muon quay lai nhung ngay thang ay, lam viec voi nhung con nguoi ay, vui nhung niem vui ay. Cam giac duoc la Phuong Tu ay, in control, brave, strong and ready for anything, live, laugh, love and change the world.

Thuc su, co le se khong bao gio tim lai duoc nhung khoanh khac ay nua – youth.


something I learnt recently

so it’s been 1 month of work. Time flies so fast. And this might be the most memorable month in my life, with all the feelings that I can’t forget.

Everyday here is a surprise waiting to be discovered. I enjoy the feeling of nervousness don’t know what’s waiting for me, and relieved when things eventually work out, and better, turn out to be awesome. The first time I’m out there, no one to hold my hands, to be on my own. I remember driving on the road of Sai Gon, wondering which way this street will lead me to. Just like a journey of life. I got a few clues, and the rest is the fun of exploration.

The last 4 weeks give me the chance to really have my eyes wide-opened, my ears listened, my brain works, my hands touching the reality. It’s business. A big one. And I am working to contribute to it, with a mission I entitled myself to have and a vision that I wish it to become. Above all, I feel responsible, understand the meaning of me being here, part of the change process. Just simply splendid.

And I haven’t realized how much I love mom since I got here. Back home, I have always taken here for granted. The one who will always be there, sacrificing all she has for her two naughty kids. Now all I wish is for her to be happy and healthy. That’s just it. Then I can exchange anything.

So learn to walk alone, to keep an eye on reality, and to appreciate Mom’s love, and family. A bit of treasure for me in this life journey.